Get Answers to Your Questions

How many calls do we receive in a day?

How many calls do we answer? And how many do we miss?

How many voicemails did we receive?

What is the busiest time of day?

What is the busiest day of the week?

How are our call center agents performing?

How many outbound calls is our team making?

TeamsReporting Overview

  • Supports unlimited agents, queues and campaigns.
  • Available in multiple languages.
  • Compute over 200 metrics for calls, agent activity and overall efficiency.
  • Scheduled reporting via email.
  • Single and multiple reporting for queues/campaigns.
  • Weekly activity breakdown in days, hours.
  • Measure business targets against SLAs.
  • Measure staff performance on ACD / non­-ACD activities.
  • Complete performance reports by agent and by queue.
  • Export reporting data to MS Excel, CVS, XML.
  • Detailed activity reporting with definable alarms.
  • Powerful Wallboard mode.

Agent Monitoring

Measure your Agents’ performance with multiple metrics, to optimize your call center call flow and Agent distribution. Measure Agent occupancy and number of lost queue calls,  and many other stats.

Ensure that production goals are being met.


The latest addition to TeamsReporting’ Monitoring Suite, the customizable wallboard system allows you to create live wallboards that are tailored to the specific information you need.

Set alarms and filters to better capture the essential statistics and discover which aspects of your call center’s workflow might need improvements.

Improve Operations

Gain insights into the peak times of the day and the busiest days of the week so that you can capacity plan and manage effectively. 

Call Center Reports

Create your own reports by adding only relevant data blocks. Leverage the quantity and variety of TeamsReporting’ reports to build in depth performance reports and relevant analysis of inbound and outbound calls.

Filter your reports by Agent, queue, location, agent group and many other factors, to quickly gather the needed information.

Outbound Call Tracking

Monitor outbound calls with TeamsReporting, to keep track of your outbound campaigns’ progress.

By using virtual queues, TeamsReporting can track even the calls that are not happening on actual queues, but are initiated by Agents calling customers directly.

Scheduled Reports

Set up scheduled reports to be delivered by e-mail at specific times or at regular intervals. Make sure to always have current and updated information without having to manually request your reports everytime.

Multiple recipients can be specified so that your team can always be updated on the latest numbers.

Ready to Manage Your Teams Tenant with Confidence?

Get started with a Free Trial of TeamsReporting. We will have your live data running in no time. 

Complete List of Available Metrics

Total Calls
  • Total number of calls processed
  • Percentage of answered calls, per run
  • Percentage of lost calls, per run
  • Multi­stint calls processed
  • Number of calls
  • Total call length
  • Average call length
  • Average call waiting
  • Minimum/maximum call length
  • Minimum/maximum call waiting
  • Total call duration
  • Total waiting time
  • Agents on queue
  • Number of call taken per agent
  • Service level agreement
  • Disconnection causes
  • Transfers
  • Answered calls by queue
  • Answered call, by direction (inbound/outbound)
  • Answered call, by number of call stints
  • Extensive call and stint detail
  • Number of unanswered calls
  • Average time before disconnection
  • Minimum/maximum time before disconnection
  • Total cumulated time before disconnection
  • Average position at disconnection
  • Minimum/maximum position at disconnection
  • Disconnection causes
  • Unanswered calls by queue
  • Distribution by length of unanswered calls
  • Inclusive SLA of answered and unanswered calls
  • Unanswered calls by key pressed (IVR menu selections)
  • Unanswered calls, by number of stints
  • All calls, by number of stints
  • Full unanswered call detail
  • Area code
  • Number of calls
  • Total calling time
  • Average time per call (for taken calls)
  • Average wait per call
  • Average position at disconnection (for lost calls)
  • The area­code breakdown can be run dynamically with different area­code substrings
  • Total ACD attempts sent to operators
  • Average attempts for answered calls
  • Minimum/maximum attempts for answered calls
  • Total attempts for answered calls
  • Average attempts for unanswered calls
  • Minimum/maximum attempts for unanswered calls
  • Total attempts for unanswered calls
  • ACD attempts by terminal
  • Average rings per terminal broken down by answered/unanswered call
  • Total rings per terminal broken down by answered/unanswered call
  • ACD attempts by queue
  • Average rings per queue broken down by answered/unanswered call
  • Total rings per queue broken down by answered/unanswered call
  • Answered calls distribution per day
  • Average / minimum / maximum call lengths per day
  • Answered calls wait time distribution per day
  • Average / minimum / maximum wait times per day
  • Unanswered calls wait time distribution per day
  • Average / minimum / maximum unanswered calls wait times per day
  • Sales and contacts per day
  • Answered calls distribution per hour
  • Average / minimum / maximum call lengths per hour
  • Answered calls wait time distribution per hour
  • Average / minimum / maximum wait times per hour
  • Unanswered calls wait time distribution per hour
  • Average / minimum / maximum unanswered calls wait times per hour
  • Sales and contacts per hour
  • Answered calls distribution per day of week
  • Average / minimum / maximum call lengths per day of week
  • Answered calls wait time distribution per day of week
  • Average / minimum / maximum wait times per day of week
  • Unanswered calls wait time distribution per day of week
  • Average / minimum / maximum unanswered calls wait times per day
  • Sales and contacts per day of week
  • The hourly reports can be fine­tuned to show half­ or quarter­hours as needed
  • Number of available agents
  • Total agent time
  • Average agent time
  • Minimum/ maximum agent session duration
  • Agent availability
  • Agent time on pause
  • Billable and not­billable agent time
  • Sessions and pauses per agent
  • Average session duration per agent
  • Average pause duration per agent
  • Pauses per session ratio
  • Percentage of time spent on pause
  • Average pauses per session
  • Answered calls (number, average duration, percentage of total) per agent
  • Answered calls per service group
  • Answered calls per agent location
  • Full agent session details
  • Full agent pause details
  • Full agent session history (sessions and pauses combined)
  • Total agents ACD time
  • Total agent billable time
  • Total agent non billable time
  • Total Sales and SPH
  • Total Contacts and CPH
  • Conversion index
  • Call results by outcomes and percentages
  • Billable activities by time and percentage
  • Non billable activities by time and percentage
  • Detailed report of activities, sales and contacts per agent
  • Date and time
  • Caller ID
  • Queue
  • Waiting and talking time
  • Disconnection cause
  • Agent
  • Asterisk call ID
  • Number of ACD attempts
  • Call code entered
  • Number of stints (and full stint details)
  • Server
  • Timeline view
  • Call grouping
  • Date and time
  • Caller ID
  • Queue that handled the call
  • Disconnection cause
  • Position at disconnection, if available
  • Wait time before disconnection, if available
  • Number of ACD attempts
  • Call code entered by agent
  • Key pressed
  • Number of stints (and full stint details)
  • Server
  • Drag and drop components with realtime information
  • Unlimited number of wallboards
  • Create customizable views of your call center
  • Colorful alarm settings
  • Queue filters
  • SLA graphs
  • Kiosk mode
  • Call, extensions and agents remote control

Track group calls by organizer and by when participants joined and left.

Discover TeamsReporting with Your Own Data

The best way to experience TeamsReporting is to connect it to your data and to view your own call information. Complete this form to begin a fully featured free trial. 

    or Start a Free Trial Now