About TeamsReporting

TeamsReporting for Microsoft Teams was founded by a team of engineers who have been reporting and analyzing telephony data for over 20 years. Our platform has proudly processed and analyzed over 1 billion calls.

In response to requests from existing customers to help manage Microsoft Teams the way traditional telephony is managed, we set to work on a solution dedicated to managing Microsoft Teams telephony.

Microsoft Teams made it difficult for managers to keep track of service levels, dropped calls and agent performance. 

Our TeamsReporting solution allows you to manage your telephony environments including complex contact centers and back offices through a powerful and intuitive interface.

We understand how important it is to have access to the right data, and to be able to manage and take action in a timely manner.

TeamsReporting enables managers to get both historical and current views of what is happening on their system, providing insight into agent performance and customer experience.

Common call center reports such as wallboards, dedicated agent screens, or summary and detail reports are now available.

Learn more about the features here.

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Quick Facts about TeamsReporting

  • Created by industry experts with over 20 years of telephony reporting experience.

  • Processed over 1 billion phone calls as a testament to our maturity and scalability.

  • Specialist knowledge of contact centers and back office environments.

  • Unique set of historical reports specifically created for managers and agents.

  • Regular product updates released to all customers.

  • Simple on-boarding process with Free Trial and Demo.

  • Easy and Affordable pricing model.